April 12, 2011
Present: Brian Mattiello, Chairman; Paul Summers, Secretary; Gerry Carbone, Chris
Cook; Jennifer Ives-Groebl;; Cleveland Fuessenich, Mary Coutant
Also present: Brett Simmons, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation;
(ex-officio member), Donna Winn (Parks and Recreation Dept.), Jim Pescatore (Babe
Ruth baseball league), Chris Caminucci (Torrington Titans)
Not Present: Collin Good, Gary Mercier, Jack FitzGerald (all excused)
1. Tour of Park: Brett led the committee on a tour of the Park. He pointed
out the replacement of the bleachers and a new irrigation system as priorities for the Park.
The meeting commenced at 5:30 in the Armory.
2. Approval of Minutes: Ms. Ives-Groebl made a motion to approve the
minutes from 3/15/11 which was seconded by Mr. Cook and passed unanimously.
3. Fundraising Outline/Discussion with Titans: Chm Mattiello reviewed the
fundraising outline and also introduced Chris Carminucci from the Titans to the
committee. The Titans are in the process of introducing themselves to the community.
The Titans have also begun selling signs in packages. The lease with the City calls for a
50% sharing of the net revenue with FPPC. The committee discussed ways to assist the
Titans in selling the signs.
The committee also discussed seeking voluntary donations at Titans games. This would
be a “soft sell” so as to not to interfere with Titan ticket sales. It was also discussed that
donations should be sought at other events at the Park.
Chris discussed some of the Titan fundraising ideas. He spoke about a dinner called
“hot stove” which would seek to have 300-500 tickets sold. Chris was very receptive to
working with FPPC in its fundraising activities. Each activity would need to be
reviewed to see how moneys can be shared.
4. Fundraising Letter: The committee reviewed the fundraising letter and
discussed changes and additions to it. A different letter will be sent to past supporters
and new supporters. The letter will contain a donation card and return envelope along
with a giveaway and will be returnable to the Mayor’s office. The committee discussed
ideas for a bumper sticker which would be a giveaway. The letter will be reviewed by
the committee at the next meeting and will go out in mid-May.
5. Other Business: The committee discussed the creation of a Facebook page which
would be linked by the Titans website.
7. Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr.
Carbone and passed unanimously at 6:26 pm.
Paul Summers